Charlotte Ferguson Papers


Charlotte Ferguson Papers


Old Phaleron campus, American women, faculty and staff, academic experiences, travel notes


Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. She was a graduate in the class of 1923 at Mount Holyoke College and during her years in Greece she visited several counties in Europe and the Near East. Her papers consist of her correspondence with her family (1924-1926), travel notes of her trips and correspondence with the staff of the American College for Girls during WWII.


Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson


ACG Archives, Institutional Archive, Faculty Personal Papers - Charlotte Ferguson Papers


1924-1926, 1940


ACG Archives and Special Collections


Ferguson, Charlotte Eleanor (Aronson), 2005, Odyssey of a Learning Teacher (vols. I and II), iUniverse, Inc, New York

Vogeikoff, Natalia, To Know One's Country as a Foreign Land, From the archivist Notebook: Essays inspired by Archival Research in Athens Greece


Still image, Manuscripts with drawings




Illustrated correspondence




1924-1926, 1940

Collection Items

Travel correspondence, Charlotte  Ferguson papers, March 19, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence, Charlotte  Ferguson papers, March 15, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

"Study hour - with some forty odd ones "studying" - perhaps!". Travel correspondence, Charlotte  Ferguson papers,  Friday, March 13, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

"On the Terrace". Travel correspondence (No. 25), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, February 27, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence (No. 24), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, Sunday, February 22, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence (No. 23), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, Sunday, February 15, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence, Charlotte  Ferguson papers, February 1, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence (No. 19), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, January 26, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

Travel correspondence (No. 18), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, Sunday, January 18, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…

"On board the S.S. Fezara again - nearing Piraeus". Travel correspondence (No. 17), Charlotte  Ferguson papers, January 8, 1925.
Charlotte Eleanor Ferguson was a biology teacher in the American College for Girls, at Paleo Phalero, under the auspices of the American Board of Missions of the Congregational Church in 1924-1926. In her correspondence with her family she is sharing…
View all 26 items

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